France 3 TV – BLUES’UP festival 2011
FRANCE 3 BLUES'UP Festival 2011
FRANCE 3 BLUES'UP Festival 2011
L’oeil de Ken // Ken’s Eye A great photographer doing a beautiful work in our streets comes to illustrate Léo Ferré song ; Mon Camarade The story of 2 homeless friends...
Union Rat Parade against French Companies :Kidam, Mezzo TV & LagardèreLargardère, stand up for your RAT! Jazz Musician's syndicate UNION, wants the hundredNew Yorker musicians to be paid for their live performances!!!
. The JAZZ & SOUL radio has playlisted at the top “Catch Me I’m Falling” last Pierre Sibille album!!! Concerts and a partnership with BLUES’UP are in progress ; Lyon,...
Live music allows French prisoners to 'escape' for an hour...Podcast by Alison Hird (rfi) - Festival Jazz à Saint Germain des Prés - 24th May 2016Pierre Sibille DUO with Gabriel Equerre - Prison...
We know that light shines in the eyes of children - yet today there are 200,000 children living in the streets of Senegal. This drastically large number tells us enough...